General Terms and Conditions Order Coaching

1. general

In coaching, the coach supports the client in organising, clearing out and creating a new sustainable order. The client bears all decisions him/herself, there is no liability on the part of the coach except in cases of intent or gross negligence, and is limited to a maximum of the value of the current coaching package.

The coaching lasts between 3 and 9 hours, depending on the package. The hours can be spread over different dates according to verbal agreement.

There will be no refund for unused or partially used packages. The packages are personal and non-transferable.

2. cancellation of an appointment

Agreed dates are binding in principle.

Cancellations must be made by telephone.

- Up to 30 days before the appointment: no fees

- Up to 24 hours before the appointment: 50% we charge

- No cancellation or cancellation less than 24h before appointment: 100% will be charged

4. force majeure and other obstacles to performance

Martina Domeniconi is entitled to postpone the agreed coaching appointments in the event of force majeure, this also includes obstacles to performance that have arisen due to illness, accident or similar.

5 Prices and payment

The official prices on the homepage apply.

For the MINI Package, payment must be made in cash or by Twint immediately after the coaching session. For the Maxi and Premium Package, an invoice can be issued.

5. place of jurisdiction

The place of jurisdiction is Zurich. The contracting parties agree to seek mediative conflict resolution before resorting to legal action.

Request Mini Package

Please fill out the form below and I will get back to you shortly.

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